Monday, September 22, 2008


Well readers, it hasn't been all recovery and pain for me. This week after months of revision and change the first issue of Rob Ayr's "We Deliver" menu has finally been sent to the printer. Rob had asked me several months ago to help him with a menu design that was both informative and visually appealing. I took a look at his current menu booklet and to be honest he could have gone any number of routes (including writing it all up with blunt crayons) and it still would have been an improvement from what he got from his previous graphic artist. After a battle with spell check, researching restaurants that did or did not exist anymore, recreating and creating logos for local restaurant menus (most were stolen from existing businesses across the country) I have finally come up with a product that Rob feels will do "We Deliver" a great service. This first issue is in greyscale and has only a few select menus (and a list of 38 other restaurants of which to order from) but once production becomes steady "We Deliver" will have a full color menu filled with menus on the streets of key west listing all restaurants and their cuisines that can be delivered right to your door.
Click on "We Deliver" for a .pdf of the first run menu.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Naked For Aids

Since the early days of FnA Studios my friend and business partner had an idea. Something for everyone to take part in. A unique vision and artistic way to battle the ongoing Aids epidemic. Get naked. It is in fact a simple idea and one that has come to fruition. Thomas Filipkowski has officially started the "Naked For Aids" website. I have assisted him on several of the shoots that have already taken place and thru have created his home on the web. Special thanks to those who were told about the project before the general public and stood tall to become the first of soon to be many who will donate, not money, but their clothing and around 30 minutes of their time to battle this ongoing disease.
Please visit
Thanks for reading

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Site is updated

After many months of recuperation with a head full of drugs keeping my attention at an all time low, compounded with a broken hand that keeps work at a slow drizzle, I am happy to say that I have finally set up the site to...well not perfection but at a standard that I approve of and is COMPLETELY self maintained. Which is, as some of you know, something I consider an important aspect. So, here it is. take a look and feel happy that I feel content on how I portray myself.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Plight of the Knee.

For those of you who don't know I was in a severe accident on February 27th. A drunk driver hit me head on while I was dropping of wedding photography. I broke 2 ribs, the tarcal navicular in my right foot, and shattered (pulverized in some reports) my right kneecap which necessitated a patellectomy (removal of the entire patella). On the 24th of this month I found out that I will also need another surgery, this one on my right hand on the carpal navicular, of which I cannot afford. Well not only have these injuries stopped all production in the studio but since I have been taking a massive quantities of pain medication I have lost 2 possible jobs I spaced out on return calls and meetings I may have acquired, which I need desperately as the driver had no insurance and I am awaiting a court date to possibly maybe get some money back from all I have spent on medical bills.
So if for some reason I have not contacted anyone for any reason, I sincerely apologize. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

SkyCrab Images

Hello and welcome to the SkyCrab Images Blog. SkyCrab Images is a privately owned and operated visual arts studio in Key West, Florida who's main focus is creating unique imagery. We successfully combine time honored traditions in visual rendering with state of the art digital medium to create images that not only tell a tale but set the mood.
SkyCrab Images not only puts time into creating images, but time keeping up with cutting edge technology and training to stay ahead of the ever evolving industry.
This blog will not only keep information about the studio up to date but also thoughts regarding Photography, graphic arts , and anything else I decide to randomly get off my chest. Thanks for reading.